Thursday, October 22, 2009

Made in the Shade

 Left: Maui Coffee Association members visit coffee groves at Maliko Estate Coffee.

The Maui Coffee Association offers workshops throughout the year for coffee growers. Speakers are brought in from the mainland and neighbor islands and experts within our own organization are utilized to benefit our membership.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

When picking your coffee, never strip the beans off, tearing leaves off as you go. This will damage and stress your tree. Try to pick just the extremely red beans. Brown and squishy? Discard. Red, but still too hard to squeeze the beans out? Wait and pick the next time around - these beans will not go through the pulper well and might break. If green beans fall into your basket take the time to discard them before adding to your bucket. All these tips will lead you to a better more balanced cup of coffee in the end.